Fire Stopping is used to compartmentalise different sections of a building into smaller sections and is a highly effective form of passive fire protection (PFP). This form of compartmentation means properly installed systems will contain and slow the spread of fire, smoke, heat, and toxic gases; protecting both the buildings structure, thereby its sustainability, as well as escape routes. This allows for essential means of escape as well as safe passage for fire fighters. The following are some of the primary materials we use for penetration sealing.


Acrylic sealants and mineral fibre rock boards are used to reinstate compartment wall and floor openings to maintain the required fire resistance and assist with sound proofing. They are suitable for use around services such as suitably supported fire rated dampers, pipe work and electrical cabling, against the passage of fire providing up to 4 hours integrity and insulation in blockwork and up to 2 hours integrity and insulation in drywall, often referred to as flexible wall construction.


Fire compounds are gypsum based mortars used to reinstate the fire resistance performance of floor constructions where they have been provided with openings for the passing of services. It is ideal for use in risers, plant room floors and other areas where a load on the system is required as it can provide a safe load bearing working platform for loads up to 2.5 kN/m².


Closing devices are used around insulated and combustible services as well as large single cables or cable bundles and can come in a variety of forms; Fire collars, intumescent wraps and sleeves, HP (High Pressure) mastic. In the event of a fire these devices will expand to fill the gap left by services as they burn away preventing the spread of fire, smoke, heat, and toxic gases.